A prestigious new crime drama comes to ITV this autumn...
Not too many details as yet, but our spies tell us that the first episode sees DCI Padmore and trusty sidekick DS Lewis investigate the puzzling death of a homeless man, apparently at the hands of a busker. A dark, brooding tale is promised. In episode two, a young miller is found drowned in a brook, but this apparent suicide raises too many questions: why was the dead man obsessed with the colour green? And who is the mysterious Hunter?
Not too many details as yet, but our spies tell us that the first episode sees DCI Padmore and trusty sidekick DS Lewis investigate the puzzling death of a homeless man, apparently at the hands of a busker. A dark, brooding tale is promised. In episode two, a young miller is found drowned in a brook, but this apparent suicide raises too many questions: why was the dead man obsessed with the colour green? And who is the mysterious Hunter?
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